Shopify Docs

Creating post


The post creation block can be divided into 4 sections:

  1. Selecting social accounts
  2. Attaching media files
  3. Writing text
  4. Setting up a publication

Charly creating post

Selecting social accounts

Select the accounts in which you want to create a publication by clicking on the corresponding icon at the top of the block.

Selecting social accounts

Inactive accounts are greyed out

Attaching media files

Uploading from a device

Select the media files you want to attach to your post.

To upload media from your device, click on the "Add files" button, or drag and drop files into this block:

Attaching media files

Downloading from the stock

You can attach media files from stockists, to do this go to "Add attachment" / "Media" section.

Writing text

Specify keywords, Select data source and category (if available).

Select an appropriate image, then click the "Add" button

Adding from a product

You can attach media files and link from product, to do this go to "Add attachment" / "Product" section.

Writing text

Select the appropriate item, then click the "Add" button.

Writing text

All options for adding media files can be combined

Writing text

To write text, just start typing text in the input field

Writing text

To use the AI's help for writing, press the "space", write a query, and press "Enter" or click on "Continue writing"

Writing text with Charly AI

If you have difficulties in making a request, you can use the following examples

Setting up a publication

Click on "Share now" to publish this post now

Setting up a publication

If you need to schedule a post for a different date and time, click on "Schedule post"

Schedule post

Specify date and time, confirm action

The created publication will be displayed below, in the activity list